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custard creams

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jamwan55 | 23:51 Sat 13th May 2006 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
does any one know why there a design on custard creams
and where it originates merfield%20%20biscuit%20400g.gif


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Judging by its ornate design, I would say that it is the design originally used when the biscuit was first invented, as it does look old fashioned. When that was, who can tell? You associate that sort of frilly design with Victorians. I was under the impression that nothing so "man made" appeared until after the war. During the war because food was scarce, shopkeepers would make their own "chocolate" and biscuits etc using soap and sawdust and god knows what, and people would buy it because they had no choice. After the war (mid 40s) brand name foods became popular (Cadbury, Oxo etc) because people were desperate to buy something they could trust. And so started advertising.

So I would GUESS that the design was aroung the mid 1940s when these biccies were seen as something posh. But I am just guessing!

P.S Bourbon biscuits originated in 1910, and Peak Frean 1920s, so I may be a bit out there. The design certainly seems 1900s to me.
Most of the famous 'sandwich' biscuits were created in the 1900-190
Usually what happened was a biscuit company would have a new idea and
then if it was successful most of the other companies would make their
own versions of it.
The only significance of the design of the modern custard creams is that they are ALL made by the same factory.But originally all the companies had to make their biscuits look different.

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