It's neither good nor bad. It depends on your diet and lifestyle as a whole. If you have a generally unhealthy diet and don't exercise, cutting out pasta will make absolutely no difference. If you generally eat healthily and exercise regularly it will do you no harm at all. Like most foods it is beneficial to a balanced diet if eaten in moderation. The idea that all carb-rich foods are bad for you full stop is a myth perpetuated by followers of the Atkins diet.
The only people who should avoid pasta completely are those with a gluten allergy. The rest of us can quite happily manage a moderate portion once or twice a week (or more if you're Italian) with no ill effects.
Of course, sauces to go with it make all the difference. Buttery, creamy and cheesy varieties will turn a pasta dish into a pretty decadent affair. However, pasta with chicken and vegetables in a tomato-based sauce is about as healthy and balanced a meal as you can get.