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What were your favourite childhood sweets?

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jeanette1976 | 14:22 Fri 15th Sep 2006 | Food & Drink
45 Answers
All ages welcome... I liked the hot jawbreakers, beer bottles, milk bottles and I loved Fab and Zap ice lollies... which somehow look much smaller! X


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Rhubarb and custard sweets!
Vice Versas :o)
white on the outside with brown in the middle
or browrn on the outside with white in the middle
mmmmm :o)
Mint Cracknell.........does anyone else remember that, chocolate on the outside, with crackley minty stuff in the middle...

the other was the bar that had six different flavours ,each flavour had a different shape in the bar, lime barrel was my fav but cann't remember the name of the bar, think it was made by Cadburys' / Dairy Milk????
2p chocolate tools !!
smarties ........... cola cubes ...... candy twist flying sauces .. frozen jubblies ....... sherbert pips .......

pickled onion crisps ... salt and vinegar mini chips .. wall nut whips ..... midget gems ... milky bars ... space dust !!!!
rolos .... parma violets ... jamacian rum flavour chocolate ..

and not forgetting washing it all down with soda stream pop !!!!

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What were your favourite childhood sweets?

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