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Jenx | 10:48 Mon 05th Feb 2007 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
Where can I buy, on line, walnuts in their shells. I have three parrots who love them and I can only buy them in the shops around Christmas time.


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I so want to get a parrot, but would you recommend 2 to keep each other company? would they live together or seperate cages?...... I would like rescue if possible.
I would take advantage of buying from Amercia where the nuts will be cheaper and the strength of the � against the $ will work in your favour. may be a start.

I would recommend bulk buying a sack of them as they have a long shelf life.
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Thanks both for your replies.
To answer berylliums question I think that one parrot on its own is fine my three don't appear to be very interested in each other and prefer to interact with people. But I would say that I only have experience with African Greys and Amazons.
Check out the Parrot Society I'm sure they will have a web site and all the info you need.
Lidi supermarkets
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