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Sunblest (blessed?) Cornflakes

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Goodsoulette | 12:01 Tue 24th Apr 2007 | Food & Drink
1 Answers
Can you still get these? I have looked in most of the supermarkets round here and havent found any and they were my favourite! If not are there any own brands like them.


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OMG SAME! I actually wrote to Sunblest to ask waht on earth happened to them (yes I know that is just one step too far beyond the call of sad) and Sunblest told me to write to Ryvita because that was actually who made them but I never got round to it
Dammit. I miss them... they were way better than Kellogs. My life just hasnt been the same since they went. People actually tell me to quit talking about them

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Sunblest (blessed?) Cornflakes

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