Milk in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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pitstopbunny | 13:01 Fri 22nd Jun 2007 | Food & Drink
13 Answers
Which type of milk is best for you? I want to go organic, but is cow's, goats, soya etc best?
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im sure iv heard soya is really good for u
Human breast milk... It's the only milk that's actually designed for humans to drink! But I would go with soya or rice milk. (I'm lactoce intolerant!)

Have a look at
I can't tolerate cows milk anymore and the best milk I have found is Oatly .Made from oats (obviously) and really good for you .It's delicious and you can use it just like normal milk in cooking and on cereal etc .Tescos sell it .

I am also bad at typing!
I have soya, only because it was supposed to help with women's problems.
But I like it now and I could not change back to dairy.
I use Sainsbury's skimmed milk in my tea & on my weetabix. Wouldn't say it's best, but it's ok for me.

Husband likes his black!

Oops - I mean his coffee!

Afraid I drink normal full fat cows milk- I love it!! Guess its a case of what you prefer!! Must admit I totally ignore all advice regarding diet- if I took any notice I would eat nothing- cant be doing me any harm- Im 52- not in the slightest overweight and the last time I had a day off work ill was in the flu ededemic in 1976
Hi P - couple of notes about consuming milk..the adult digestive system is not designed to absorb milk as it is for growing infants..so it isn't actually able to handle all the contents and get all the benefits we presume.

It is still a good product to get an amount of benefit, and studies have highlighted that grass fed cows milk - so therefore largely organicly produced milk - is best to use. The most benefit however actually comes in the summer months.

Skimmed milk or half fat is not as good as full fat - ignoring fat as an issue on its own - as the process to remove the fat removes the enzymes that are needed for the body to absorb the mineral and vitamin content. Therefore artifical Vitamin D is added to the low fat milks to make sure ths digestion prosess can work - so why not stick to full fat as a natural product then?......

High demand for milk though means a lot of milk is produced from intensively farmed animals and these can be fed on any number of 'extras' that we would of course absorb through the milk when we drink it too . anti-bacterials, hormones for increased production (you will be drinking bovine growth hormone which has been linked to cancer cell growth....) soy-based feeds with a high protein content to bump up the milk production....

Intolerance to lactose (the irritation causes nausea in the adult gut) can be avoided by using goats milk, or soy milk. And there are other problems with drinking a lot of milk like build up of fat in heart tissues, skin problems, and calcium uptake may not be as great as you think as cows mik has phosphorus which can combine with calcium - and prevent the uptake....so just eat nice fresh green veg instead - its where cows get their calcium from anyway!


Alternatives to cows milk are sheep or goat most readily avilable.Soy milk is a good alternative if you want to avoid animal products of course. There is also rice milk and almond milk so try some and see which you like best.

Last note - if you stick with cows milk - support your local dairy farmer and see who offers home deliveries in your area - this makes sure that the milk is fresh from the farm - some deliver within a couple of hours of milking - the money goes to the producer - not middle-men - and tyou are supporting a local enterprise - rather than the multi-national....

Hope this is some help..
The choice of where the milk is sourced isn't the same as going organic - you can find organic in all of these milks.
Have read before that cows milk unsuitable for humans systems after early development. My husband was diagnosed cows milk intolerant and switched to goats milk, cheese, yoghurt etc. Must say I can verify that his system produces far less gas now!!!! Thank you goats!
hm I think I'll stop drinking all that milk now i like milk but sounds like it's not the best,

i think feeding cows crap should be banned by law are we self destructive or what ?
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Hi guys & girls, I went for organic cows milk in the end, I love milk so this seemed the best option.
You might try this link. It is easy to navigate and will tell you much more than you thought you wanted to know.


Here in the States, obtaining raw, unpasteurized milk is dificult unless one lives near the source, such as a dairy farm, and the Government has many regulations which interfere with the easy procurement of such products, be they cow or (my favorite) goat. I only tried soy milk once and would just as soon just die as have to drink it.

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