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moscowmike | 17:36 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | Food & Drink
12 Answers
i was in a bar and the bar person put ice into a vodka drink . the person who asked for the drink said no ice .
The barman then put the vodka back into the vodka bottle after it has been in contact with the ice .
Is this against the law


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Wonder why he didnt just take the ice out???
Hope he didn't spill any!!! That would have been such a waste!
Mmmmmmm vodka...........sorry, what was the question??
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my point is after the vodka has been in contact with the ice ,which is water it is then put back into the bottle so it is not pure vodka , so if this takes place over a period of time the vodka is not pure
It isn't right and I doubt it's very hygienic, but I can't see it being against the law. Did you say anything to the barman at the time?
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Indeed, it would not be. But to be honest, if I was at the vodka ordering stage of the evening I dont thing I'd be all that bothered to be honest.
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I never have ice in vodka - for the very reason that it waters it down!
I am sure there is a law against it!
I am sure, you are not allowed to put anything back (food or drink) once it has left it's original package.

I don't quite understand why he would put the vodka back in the first place.
The guy still wanted a vodka, did he not?
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