There was a very lengthy discussion on AB about the SunSeed oil used by Walkers. When Walkers are asked whether it's a GM product, they reply with (quote), 'No GM products are used in Walkers crisps'.
But there's a catch. In refining the oil from a GM sunflower crop, any GM matter will be stripped out in the process. So they could be using a GM crop source and still be issuing a true statement. When pressed on the issue, they just re-state the above quote, and refuse to be drawn. The suspicion thus remains that the crop is GM.
If that's the case, the oil is most likely sourced from the southern Russia, as it would have to come from outside the EU.
There is a variety of sunflower named 'Sunseed'. When Walkers applied for their trade-mark, they couldn't use that word since it was already registered. Instead, they were permitted to combine the two separate words of Sun and Seed, both with capital letters, to form the word 'SunSeed'.