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Steak Sauces

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ninjaalex | 04:39 Sun 05th Sep 2004 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
Has anybody got any simple recipes for sauces to be used on steak?


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Brandy, Cream and Mushroom Sauce: I griddle my steaks and then place them in a warmer. I add about 1/2 cup brandy to the griddle pan and reduce it (boil for about 1min) until there are about 1 or 2 tablespoons left, I then stir it to collect all the meat juices into the brandy, add a large dollop of creme fraiche, salt and black pepper and stir in some previously cooked sliced mushrooms. Pour over the steak - Absolutely delicious and very easy. P.S. Use cheap brandy! I also add crushed garlic, but for those garlic haters this is not essential.
I do one I worked out myself 25 years ago by standing at the cooker and throwing in whatever came to hand. It's exactly the same as Anniekon's with the addition of a little tomato puree and cracked peppercorns. Delicious!
simular to first one but never mind. fry your steak in a frying pan leave on a warm plate. fry finely chopped red onion in buttter in same pan which you did the steak, when its nicely brown add a small glass of white wine and boil for a while then add some half fat creme fraiche turn down cook until slightly thickened add steak to warm through.
Ok, this may sound weird, but my all time favourite sauce for steak is HP and Worcester Sauce - cook the steak in it and be as liberal as you like. Goes down even better if you cook a few mushrooms with it, and serve it with spuds.

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