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horrible food

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zzxxee | 16:45 Thu 02nd Oct 2008 | Food & Drink
63 Answers
name your top 3 most hated foods mine are 3 barbacue sauce 2 beetroot 1 at number one fish yuck


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enlighten us leviathan 1
Dead animals
Dead fish
Textured vegetable protein (cos it tastes like dead animals to me lol)
I'm quite fussy I think, though the things I don't like I REALLY don't like.....the worst foods that I really can't eat at all are..

Eggs as eggs (fried, boiled, scrambled, poached etc)
the worst foods ever have got to be:-

broad beans
mushroom soup
unseasoned under cooked veg!!!!!
1. Baked Beans
2. Mushrooms
3. Coconut( flavoured not fresh)
All for room 101
1. Mushrooms
4: milk
5:cheese cake
6 choc cakes
7: cream cakes
8: nuts in chocolates
9: coconuts
10: olives
11: bananas
12: anchovies
13: mayo
14: salad cream
15: mustard
16: vinegatree
17: salad dressing
18: custard
19: salt
20: lamb meat
21: smoked salmon
22: raw fish
23: batter

sorry i think i got carried away... but the list goes on... want me to carry on??? :) x
I used to hate beetroot until I tried it as part of a juice, with apples and oranges... then tried it with grilled goats cheese

But I hate


broad beans


Raw cheese(from the fridge)only like it hot and cooked
What a bunchof fuss-pots!!!
Green olives...stuffed olives! : (
1) sprouts (shudder)
2) shellfish (whelks/mussels etc) prawns are OK
3) heart/kidneys (but liver is fine)
marzipan, celery & brussels sprouts.
But I don't think I could eat any animal's eyeball.
1. Oysters
2. Mushrooms
3. Cockles
(can't stand the texture of any of these. Makes me gag, just thinking about them).

Flipping heck <bWhiteBear, what on earth Do you eat?

I really hate:

1. Whole / raw Tomatoes (but will eat tomato in sauces, lasagne or pizzas as long as there are no chunks)

2. Carrots

3. Celery
anything flavoured with cloves,
cape gooseberries
shell fish

shellfish (apart from prawns)
lol cheekychops :)

i just like my food plain.

but there are far more other food i like, such as roast dins, yorkshire pudds, steaks.

im just not a saucey, creamy type of person :)

im cooking curry tonight... hmmmmm
I can honestly say that there is no food that I could say is horrible.
Milk puddings
Rashers of bacon
There are plenty of foods that others have listed that I can honestly say I have never tried, simply because they look so disgusting...

Mainly shellfish like oysters, cockles, mussels etc - they look like something picked out of a tramps nostril. Beetroot 'cos it smells gross, anchovies as they look disgusting, tripe for the same reason, sardines/pilchards/King Prawns or anything where i can see it looking at me or imagine biting through it's intestines as I eat it...

I just don't like - coconut as the bits get stuck everywhere (it's not the taste, I like Malibu!), I agree with WhiteBear about nuts in chocolate (just WRONG!!) and sushi - why would anyone eat raw fish (that includes smoked salmon - yuk!)?

And WHY does anyone eat sprouts? They only come out at Christmas and I am sure that people force them down just because they are 'traditional'. I am pretty sure that nobody in my family would touch them at any other time of year!!

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