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kujawski | 02:04 Sat 04th Oct 2008 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
i bought a 25 kg bag of potatoes @ �7.00

a fewquestions
1) how long will they last
2) cant think of next question


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Quite a long time if you keep them in a dry place, but if they start to turn green or black - get rid of them.
Last longer in brown paper bag & light proof, in a cold place but not freezing. Could last a month. Back in the ground, even longer, as they wont grow anymore as its too cold.
: )
i have a vision of kujawski running out into the garden in his/ her jammies and burying all the tatties :)
Awww...might have to if they all turn green abd nasty. All that lot'd make the bin smell, wouldn't it!

Kujawski - do you want us to think of lots of good recipes for you, using potatoes?
well, kujawski...the answer is plain ans simple.
if you eat 5kg of potatoes daily for the next five days, then they will all be gone after that period of time. If you only eat 2kg daily however, you are stuck with them for almost a fortnight.
Personally, I would visit here 5.html and have a potato fest, say 12.5kg today and 12.5 kg tomorrow, perhaps choosing a variety of recipes to make the task less onerous.
My advice would be to, next time, consider a smaller bag.
Hope this helps. Te he .
.......but if you are considering the return on the �7.00 that you spent, if you use them all over the next 2 days, it will have cost you �3.50 per day whereas over a longer period of say a fortnight, the daily amount would be in the region of only 29 pence.
Hmmmm, thats certainly something to consider in these times of financial hardship.
Perhaps if you count how many potatoes are in the bag, it would give you a good estimate. Since you havent stated whether they are new potatoes, baking potatoes , maris pipers, king edwards.... its difficult for me to help further as numbers per bag will differ. (Obviously the bigger the potato the smaller the content in numerical terms). If you are referring to new potatoes, I would suggest using five or even six potatoes as ONE portion.
Hope this helps.
What's that , nurse? Time for my injection, must dash.

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