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Rice Pudding

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lil75 | 11:34 Sat 04th Oct 2008 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
Ok, tonight im going to make my very 1st rice pudding, I know how much rice/sugar/milk to use etc, but not sure how long to cook it for and at what temperature? Also I know you add nutmeg, but do you just sprinkle it on the top, or stir it in and at what point do you add it?


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I would slow cook for maybe up to 2 hours maybe electric 160degrees gas mark 3 or 4, just keep having a look every now and then till nearly all the milk has been absorbed,sprinkle on nutmeg before u put in oven!!!
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Thankyou Puddicat!
Cinnamon is much tastier than Nutmeg.
To 2 pints milk, add 2 tablespoons sugar.
150C for one and a half hours.
Two small knobs of butter make the pudding more creamy.
Hope your yesterday's effort turned out well.
An old Cheshire idea is to serve the rice pudding over apple pie (preferably home-made). It's scrumptious.
Happy cooking.

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