Im looking for a cookery book....not a recipe book. I don't want to trawl through recope after recipe of stuff that i'll never eat but instead, i want something that is going to teach me what ingredients go with what, little tips and tricks and anything else except recipes.
Failing that, anything by Delia is fairly straightforward. I personally cannot stand her tv programmes - too many umms and errrs for me, but her books are very well written. Here's a link to a really easy looking recipe for chicken with whole spices from her site:-
Ethel, the latest issues have conversion charts. However, the reason I mentioned this book is that hammerman does not want a cookbook just for the recipes. This book is excellent in it's explanation of cooking techniques, uses of various spices and herbs, different cuts of various meats, vegetable preparation. It is more of a kitchen reference book than a mere cookbook.
Im a fairly competent cook but i just need, for example, different things that work with cous cous or how to use fruit in cooking and what with etc etc.
I can then pick what's best and create my own meals using different things
My Hubby loves to cook .. and a very good cook he is too.
He is like you, wants to understand more about ingredients, tips etc, so I bought him a Cook Book last week from M&S called the "Cooks Bible" It was �9.50 but you will probably get it half price now that Christmas is over.
Just a little comment about *american cups*... I actually find them easier to use than getting my old salter balance scales out... ok, not quite as accurate but I think one only really needs serious accuracy for stuff like cakes etc. Tesco's sell a set of the cups for �littledosh, so they are easily available.