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slim fast

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liltike4eva | 00:44 Sat 23rd Oct 2004 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
does anyone know of great recipes involving slim fast?


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I doubt it.

i hear the leg of lamb flavourd slimfast draped in slimfast gravy it fantastic.  Try eating good food but less of it and you wont need slimfast!

It is great mixed with a few scoops of ice cream.

My stomach is heaving at the thought. EAT PROPER FOOD.

I have the recipe for Orange slim fast. Take one glass, p*ss in it, & chuck in an orange pip. Tadaaaa!


(Tastes lick p*ss mind you)

I don't want to sound mean but slimfast is actually a MEAL REPLACEMENT. Take a look at how many calories are in that milkshake and you will want to eat real food.  Mixing slimfast with other foods is a very good way of putting on weight.

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