Is there a name for the meat from a wild boar? deer is called venison, sheep is called lamb or mutton, pig is called pork, cow is called beef etc I know the meat name usually comes from the french word of the animal but the french word for wild boar is sanglier and I've never heard of that in English.
Just seems to be called Wild Boar meat on google.
By the way beef comes from heifers not cows......I was once told off by a farmer about this and felt really silly. He said I get milk and calves from my cows, I don't slaughter them :-)
Thanks craft. I used to think that but then learned that once a cow gets past its milking peak apparently they are killed for meat. (Saying this I discovered this in France... this is stated on the piece of meat too)
coccinnelle it also says in wiki that beef comes from cows.........the farmer made me feel thick as I'd gone to him to buy meat for the freezer and asked for half a pig and a quarter of a cow......