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Drinking Games

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MusicMan09 | 08:42 Mon 12th Jul 2010 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
Hey dont know if this is the right section or not. (If not can someone tell me which is) but can anyone tell me any good drinking card games please? Whether it be with dice, cards it dosent matter. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks, MusicMan09.


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i have this somewhere http://www.gameslore....s_Out_Board_Game.html

not that Im into drinking games but i managed to make one very bad christmas turn into a blur.
By the way I just googled drinking games with cards, quite a few sites were listed.
Drinking games have been the cause of a number of deaths, be careful!
I can't remember what this one was called, but it certainly did the trick! Each player buys three of the same short one has three whiskies, another has three gin and tons, a third has three rum and cokes and so on. They then throw the five poker dice in turn. For every ace thrown, the player drinks one of the drinks in front of him, for every king, he passes one glass to the player on his left and for every queen he passes one glass to the player on his right. Jacks and tens are ignored.
As you can see, someone is going to end up with a whisky, a rum , a gin, a vodka, a sherry and a Drambuie in front of him as he throws five aces! Madness, of course, and - as Johnk said...beware!

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