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So come on guys, tell me, what's your favourite sndwich?

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merciasounds | 13:59 Mon 12th Jul 2010 | Food & Drink
41 Answers
I've just taken out - (well a couple of hours ago, it's cool enough to cut now) a beautiful ham out of the oven, boiled, fat and skin removed, then smothered in tangy orange marmalade and roasted. What better with a nice ripe straight from the vine tomato on some fresh out of the oven bread? - Or with a dab of english mustard? Or a mature cheddar with red onion chutney....

What's you favourite sandwich?


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Agree with Elvis... bacon.
I'm with Cazzz on the flat pop angle, ruddy gorgeous! I can't abide fizzy pop, but ice cold and flat it's brilliant.
My favourite is Brie,tomato and mango chutney which is sold in the cafe at work. I also love the good old egg mayonnaise but with chopped onion added, Gives it a bit of bite. Mmm you should try it.
Funny that CD.............snags said your favourite was a filled french stick but he never mentioned bacon.....
I'm suprised he didn't manage to add something about ' a good bit of pork' in there somewhere craft.... he must be slipping...
merciasounds my sandwich favourites are too many to mention but let me tell you what I hate. Our English shop brought sandwiches often soggy lifeless and lacking any filling. I have many pals in the USA and their 1 foot high sandwiches stuffed with every filling under the sun often makes me very jealous and very hungry.
Thank you ladies (and I use that term in it's loosest possible sense)...
I've just discovered Subway (there is one walking distance from here). I almost look forward to the BF being out when I get home so I can sneak up the Subway shop and grab a 12 inch roll filled with hot steak, salad and hot chilli sauce. Bad I know.
you can say what you want but there's nothing better then a good mature cheddar and onion on fresh crusty bread
Cheese and pickle.
several varieties:
1. real ham (not the plastic stuff from vacuum packs) with sliced tomatoes
2. goats cheese and beetroot (not the picked variety)
3. a mature cheddar with salad
4. Egg mayonnaise (salad cream not mayo) with cucumber and cress
5. Sausage and tomato ketchup
6. beefburger with fresh tomato and fresh onion.
7. Cheddar cheese and coleslaw
Brie and grapes on wholemeal
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Cazzz... even protein enthusiasts have to commit carbicide every now and again.
Fish finger and monteray jack cheese................
My favourites are salmon mayo with spinach or Hummous and spinach on wholegrain bun. Theyre just so moorish I always feel I want another although I probably couldnt manage one.
As you can see, I love spinach, hence my new av.
For me, it would have to be something with goats cheese and sundried tomatoes. Oh yummy.
cheddar cheese and banana....pastrami horseradish and red onion, smoked salmon, horseradish mayo and rocket..
Oh yes, I'd forgotten - fish fingers with tartare sauce on the bottom and tomato ketchup on the top.
And cold roast lamb (or even a left over lamb-burger) with hummus.
Beattie and the OtherHalf reminded me of these.
One of my favrourites is fresh baked crusty roll filled with bacon, brie and a good helping of redcurrent jelly. Bung under the gril for a couple of minutes until the brie is melted.

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