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Hair Style

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fruitsalad | 16:58 Mon 16th Dec 2024 | Shopping & Style
4 Answers

I have always worn my hair shoulder length and tied it back, I'm seriously considering going short, but I need a easy wash and wear style, for an over 60 woman with fairly big facial features, is there anyone out there, that could give me some ideas, all the hairstyles I google, look to high maintenance.



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How short is short. I kind of despair at how so many women go very short after a certain age. Our features become less fine and soft, and shorter hair emphasises that. Of course it also depends on whether hair is straight/curly, full/fine etc.

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Thanks for the link bb

Fairly short pasta, something I haven't got to spend time styling, I'm not good at it.

My hair is not exactly thick but there's lots of it, it's mainly straight with the odd kink around the bottom.

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