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pork in dog food

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mollykins | 11:52 Mon 02nd Aug 2010 | Food & Drink
14 Answers
Do I rarely see pork and only occaisionally chicken in dog food because manufacturors can give the worst of it to humans, which they'd get more money for?


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I'm not sure I understand this question Molly.
very little of a pig is wasted, humans eat a lot of the parts.

also dogs dont always digest pork well, it can upset their stomachs.
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Do you rarely get pork in dog food because they can put the worst of the meat in pies and sausages rolls etc?
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aaaahhh thats probably part of it aswell red.
I think pork would be too fatty for dogs.
I have heard recently that dogs have trouble digesting pork...yet when I googled this,there were various opinions both pro and con. I think as far as dog food goes-there is little waste in pork-so not enough for petfood manufacturers to use.
I think the reason you don't often see white meat (pork,chicken,turkey) in dog food is because dogs need the nutrition from red meat such as beef and lamb. I have only ever fed a dog white meat when they need a bland diet. My vet once advised me to feed a puppy I had on boiled white rice, chicken and egg yolk until his dodgy tummy problem cleared up.
Horse meat.....

Dogs eat dead horses..
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We give molly white meat, if there are scraps from our meals, but we've never noticed anything bad happen to her (the runs etc.)
Thank god they're dead ummmm
Horse meat isn't used in dog food it????
Chicken is used in a lot of 'complete' feeds for dogs.
My dogs only eat raw meat, lamb,chicken, pork, beef, meat and bones, you name it they will eat it, remember that even the modern day dog in all its shapes and forms, still has the identical digestive system as a wolf, just differing in size, I'm sure a wolf would eat a pig, no worries!
There is an old irish saying along the lines of the only thing not used in a pig is the sqeak
The squeak is used, my puupy has lots of toys with a piggy squeak in them!!

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