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sweetcorn recipes

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mollykins | 09:09 Tue 07th Sep 2010 | Food & Drink
91 Answers
We already had a tin of sweetcorn opened and someone went along and opened another, so we have the best part of two tins of sweetcorn open.

Are there many recipes, where the main ingredient is sweetcorn?


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Vibra but people will tell me off because they think i'm moaning about it.

What about sweetcorn soup, with a bit of red pepper and spring onion? Would carrot taste nice in it aswell?

But how would I go about doing it, i've never made proper soup. The only soup i've ever done is either from out of a packet or this horribly unhealthy cheese soup that my dad used to have for tea.
Try flaring your nostrils vibes - it makes room for a couple more.
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If you sniff hard enough they'll shoot down the tube that connects the nasal passages to the back of the throat... so really, with enough practice the number is only limited to how many your stomach (and lungs if you get your breathing wrong) can take...
Yes Molly I do...

And .....prawns, muscles, smoked salmon & sushi (not seafood but similar)

Errrrr....why are they not seafood???
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I didn't think fish counted as seafood even though it comes from the sea, fish is compeltely diferent to muscles etc.
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has anyone ever made a sweetcorn soup?
''didn't think fish counted as seafood''

f fs... I'm off to cram some prawns in my ears...
Muscles enable a body to work properly...........a fish is an animal wot lives in water.
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I've just split my head open....

Do a Chinese crab and sweetcorn soup minus the crab....
Have I mentioned that it's Wednesday tomorrow................? :o)
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Several times jack. Don't worry I get lots of free lessons.
"didn't think fish counted as seafood"

LOL, yep, I often pass those fields of fish grazing in the sun...
Why not miss out the prep and the eating...........just throw it straight down the loo.
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And I do have access to AB at school, i've been on here before at lunchtime at school and even though it's a really strict security thing the school has, I still got on.

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