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cheap tea

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mollykins | 08:32 Fri 22nd Oct 2010 | Food & Drink
27 Answers
Is it all normal (not herbal) tea that leaves a tang in your mouth after you've finished it, or is it only cheap brands that do?


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i think we should all send molly a teabag and we can have a grand "tea off"
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It's most likely not the water used but the tannin in the tea.
According to wiki-
" The astringency from the tannins is what causes the dry and puckery feeling in the mouth following the consumption of unripened fruit or red wine."...and....
"The tea plant (Camellia sinensis) is an example of a plant said to have a naturally high tannin content. When any type of tea leaf is steeped in hot water it brews a "tart" (astringent) flavor that is characteristic of tannins. This is due to the catechins and other flavonoids, which are categorized as tannins by doctors, biologists, and chemists."
Vibra - who's Brian? lol

I like my tea so strong that you can stand a spoon in it. At work, whoever makes the tea, puts everone else's teabag in my cup. Sometimes there'll be five bags in, and I leave them in while I drink it.
I love the tang!
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Pasta that's interesting seeing as i don't like red wine, mainly because of the aftertaste, which I never associated as being similar.
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