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Ducati | 10:52 Wed 23rd Feb 2005 | Food & Drink
19 Answers

Has anybody noticed that the quality of the 'fresh' fruit and veg has shockingly deteriorated since Safeway was taken over.

If (veg in particular) is not used within a day or so of when it is bought I find it has to be binned.



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Perhaps you could write/email the Head Office of Morrisons, or even boycott the store. If enough people do so, they might just get the message!
My grandma goes shopping once a week at Morrisons and she always complains that the sell by dates are too short! The stuff only lasts a few days!

Its the same with Tescos fruit and veg, buy it on a Sunday and bin it on a Wednesday.

Asda are just the same, I think that they buy in stuff cheaply thats on its last legs so that they can keep their 'price promise' gimmicks.  I've given up on supermarkets for anything fresh now, it's butchers, bakers and green grocers for me, and believe it or not it is often cheaper and much better quality.

frizzytwig, we had this conversation at work yesterday and I agree, at least where I live (Oxford), it is cheaper to visit your butcher, baker and greengrocer. 

I know how sad I sound, believe it or not I really am only 22, but you can taste the difference between 'fresh' shop's and supermarket's produce, I wouldn't shop at a Supermarket for fresh goods out of choice again!

I am so glad somebody else has noticed this.

Yes, definately all of the fruit and veg' is rubbish.  I was there the other day and was wanting to purchase tomatoes and the state of them was disgraceful.

And yes, as Snappy says the food only lasts a few days.  I am thinking of shopping at Tesco now on a permanent basis as there quality is far better :-)

Lidl is just as bad,I read somewhere they spray the veg and then keep it in cold storage for up to 6 weeks!!UGH.
Get yourself signed up to a lovely organic box scheme. Lovely fruit and veg, all dirty and knobbly and lasts ages the way it should!
TOTALLY agree! Such a relief am not the only one! Our local safeways is now ridiculous - I bought some carrots and when i came to use them the next day they were soggy and rotting. I would have noticed this when choosing them!
I've never bought supermarket meat, but now go to my local market veg man as it is so much better. Morrisons sucks!

Bring back the good old days!

No supermarkets - just  little grocers shops, where you could buy a pound of broken biscuits! Also - greengrocers, butchers, bakers & candlestick makers!

Not only is the fruit and veg rubbish, most of the shelves need re-filling.....and there's only so many times you can interrupt the 'assistants' from their chats!

Thank goodness we also have  Sainsbury's near us.

what do you expect for the price? its cheaper for a reason

We don't have any problems shopping at Sainsburys. 

Okay it's a bit pricier shopping there, but you get what you pay for.

Actually I've found the opposite at Sainsburys, we have three here and I wouldn't shop at any of them anymore. 

I think thy are expensive and the quality is not that good for what you are paying, they also don't have a very good selection.  

The only place where I have bought fruit that has been expensive but lasted well and tasted good was Marks and Spencer.

Marks & Spencer is the tops, but we don't have one nearby, otherwise that would be our first choice too.
That's how they keep their prices low.
I got a bee in my bonnet about this earlier so I rang Morrison to tell them to look at this site.  You never know they might take heed (and pigs might fly).
We'll probably all get sued for slander now......!
...mmm...irradiated food lasts for ages ...I guess they don't do theirs then <G>

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