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Chilli Problem!

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rebellette | 21:22 Thu 28th Oct 2010 | Food & Drink
9 Answers
I added too much chilli to a soup I there anything I can add to tone it down?


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milk is the natural antidote to chilli so you could try adding some cream
Not much chance,as 237sj has said milk might make it less hot
Or yoghurt, creme fresh, and sometimes, depending on the soup and bit of sugar.
You could put it in a flask and send it to me. I love chilli and put it in everything..
If it were me, I'd add even MORE chilli.

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Hi All,......thank you for your is a squash with red pepper and carrot soup.
It's sweet enough then. I'd ad natural yogurt if I was you.

Your other option..make another batch and mix them together.
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Thanks for all the suggestions.......will add some yoghurt
Lemon juice also works to balance it out I've found.

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