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janoel | 11:58 Sun 13th Mar 2005 | Food & Drink
17 Answers

Has anyone a fail-safe recipe for dumplings please?

The last lot I made turned into a kinda sludge - and they were made from a packet!



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From our 1905 cookbook... never fails and simple...

Baking Powder Dumplings
2 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 scant cup milk or water

Mix dry ingredients; stir in milk or water gradually to make a soft dough. Drop by spoonful into boiling salted water or simmering stew. Cover tightly. Cook 10 to 15 minutes before lifting cover. Test for doneness. Drain. Serve at once. Enjoy!

Question Author

Dear Clanad

Many thanks for recipe - I probably would have put self-raising flour so maybe that's my problem.     Will try it next time we have stew.

Where are you FP? - janoel requires a recipe for your dumplings!
Atora suet has good recipe on packet - don't cook as long as they say.
Dumplings should just be dried out in the middle
Question Author

thanks Smudge and Silly Moo

Had forgotten about the Atora - will also try that.

Smudge - yes I would like FP to tell me how her dumplings are made but didn't want to upset her since I have managed to get neck of lamb!

4oz Flour,2oz Suet,small amount of water,season to taste.

 Sieve flour into bowl,add suet and seasoning,mix in water bit by bit until dough sticks together. Wet hands and take out scoops of dough to make into rounds.Place on top of stew/casserole and turn occasianally. 


In my experience, to ensure dumpling fail-safe-itude, you need to ensure that the dumplings sit on top of the stew to cook (so loads of stew lumps and not too much gravy) plus they need steam (so you may have to turn up the cooking heat to get the stew bubbling and steaming a bit. I use the Atora recipe. You also need to cook immediately or the raising agent will not work 
mine still go like sludge and they are nothing like nanna used to make? they used to lift the lid!!!!!
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Thanks Woofgang and FINA.   I will try all suggestions.

l15a27.     Glad there is someone else like me who makes sludgy dumplings!

I'M HERE  I saw the word dumplings!!!!  I make mine just the same as Fina and Woofgang's tips about keeping the stew bubbling to create steam are great.  I use vegetable 'suet'.  And where did you get that neck of lamb janoel!!

I have now started thinking of that lamb stew again!

Question Author

Dear FP

Was hoping you would see the question about dumplings and so was Smudge.    I bought the neck of lamb in Letchworth market - super meat stall - does fantastic sausages as well - chilli etc. 

[Telephone number as per site policy]

Hmmph  and a few swearwords janoel.  I used to live in Letchworth!!!  I now live near the North Norfolk coast.    Perhaps I'd better move back just for the stewing lamb.  I am leaving work at Easter which means I will be able to go to our local market on a Thursday.  My chances will be better there, although I am still going to investigate the various options given on my stew thread.

By the way I bought some fantastic home made sausages at the Ideal Home Exhibition yesterday!!

Best wishes.

PS  janoel - thanks for the phone number.
pps   As you probably know, Norfolk is famous for it's dumplings, of which I am one!!!
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Dear FP

What a coincidence that you used to live in Letchworth!

You could've been anywhere in the world as far as I knew, anyway I wish you luck on leaving work and being able to go to your local market.     Hope you enjoy the sausages - this is the first year that I am not bothering to go to the Ideal Home Exhibition so I'll have to forgo the pleasure of the sausages.

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ps   I'm sure you're not a dumpling!

Clanad, do you use plain or self raising flour ?

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