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JinnyJoan | 10:03 Thu 12th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

How can I get a snapshot of money I paid for an item on this computer.  Thanks

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Do you have internet banking? If so you could display your statement then snip using the snipping tool. 

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I do have internet Bednobs and I sent them a copy of the moneys being retrieved from my online bank account but the seller is not happy with that - he wants me to show "completed" - they say they do not have my money in their account and for me to go to my bank and get it sorted it out.  

or alternatively, get what you want on your screen, then press alt and prtscn buttons together.  Then go to word and press ctrl and v

well if the seller isnt happy with a screen shot of it, my second suggestion wont work either

It seems to me he doesn't want a screenshot of your bank account - I have never seen 'completed' on a bank statement.

Maybe he wants a screenshot of your PayPal, eBay or other account. Ask him.

Be sure to redact all sensitive, personal information from the screenshot.

how did you pay for it JJ?

Try a screen dump.

When I pay online I have the option to print or photo "proof of payment". 
Can you go into your bank and ask them for a note to show date, time and amount of payment and details of the bank account the payment was sent to.

Is it possible you put in a wrong bank code or account number. Very easy to do

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a wee update - seller got the money after all - but thanks all for your posts


Previously had a similar problem with Eon claiming I hadn't paid them, 'well I have and I can see in on my statement,' 'you need to prove you've paid it' I countered with ' no you need to prove I haven't paid it'. They kept insisting on a screenshot of the payment, the bank won't allow my phone to take a screenshots of payments. That went on for 3 months. Eventually managed to speak to someone at the bank who gave me a unique code for the transaction, which Eon could give to their bank to prove they had the money. And still it took another couple of months before Eon would admit they had got it wrong.

or alternatively, get what you want on your screen, then press alt and prtscn buttons together.  Then go to word and press ctrl and v

exactly - then control-P to print a paper version - I use this alot and along with a bank debit entry, they give up

Previously had a similar problem with Eon claiming I hadn't paid them, 'well I have and I can see in on my statement,' 'you need to prove you've paid it'

I had the same with Housing Benefit - I think they have a flag "trouble maker" and that gives them licence to really poss you around.

With Scots Power ( awful! terrible!) I said " your own schedule of payments show I was in credit when you cut me off. There is a law that says you cant do that " Gas Act 1875 as amended. It did sortta activate them

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