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You lot don't know you're born!

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Mammar | 15:49 Mon 14th Nov 2011 | Gaming
26 Answers
Now I remember "Black Lamp" on the Atari
Hands up, if you're brave enough to own up!


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*puts hand up*
16:14 Mon 14th Nov 2011
sorry, didnt got the console route. The units and the games were much more expensive than home computers of the time.
*puts hand up*
The Atari was a computer not a console. Albeit not an IBM compatible one. I used to have an Atari 800.

I recall the name "Black Lamp" but can not recall much else about it, to be honest. So why does one have to be brave to admit it ?
Errrm, looks like a console to me.

Later ataris were computers, early ones were consoles.
Atari was defo a console first. We had consoles before that tho namely Binatone and Grandstand which was.....wait for colour!

I won't put my hands up tho as I dont know that game.
Oh yes. The Atari 2600.
This was back in the days when there were no mobile phones and we had to be "mobile" and walk to the box at the top of the road if we wanted to call anyone.

I seem to remember playing Asteroids on my friends Atari. I waited until a year or so later and had the cutting edge ZX-Spectrum instead.
Don't recognise that one. I programmed on mine and learnt a lot. And I progressed later to an Amiga which was also a computer.
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I know I stretched a point there but I got nostalgic
It was a platform search game and you had to find lamps in rooms and sometimes when you went in there was a flame-breathing dragon!!!!
I knew my girls had grown up when they stopped shouting me to come and kill the dragon for them and grandly informed me that they could "kill their own dragons, thank you"
OMG.. I remember the console one, I think at the time it was a game called "kick-off" that I used to challenge anyone who dare play me at it.

I don't recall the game that the OP mentioned though but the ZX81 quip made me laugh. ;-)
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Bows to Daisho for admitting he's at least as old as me and
Old Geezer looks like he should qualify
Andrew - great description of our "mobile phones"
I used to have an Atari 400 together with several cartridges but the only game I can remember at this moment is Star Raiders; one of the cartridges was for programming in BASIC.

Prior that I had an Intellivision games console, but after the Atari I moved on to an Amiga (and it very nice machine it was too).
I remember the Intellivision games (I think) I bought the first Mr Craft one in about 1978.
It had the paddle tennis and football and shooting space ships...........
There was an amiga console too

It totally bombed though!

I started out with a BBC micro, then onto amigas (my first job in computers was repairing amigas) and then onto IBM compatible PCs in the days of the 486.
Ah yes, Intellivision football with a few stick men running around the screen, and for each game you had to slip a plastic cover over part of each controller to get the correct key configuration. It was fun at the time.
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And while we're at it there was another favourite game called Terranigma but can't remember what console that was on.
Coo....this is taking me back.........
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oh my Lord, how bad is that? - haven't laughed so much in days!
mid 90s is too recent but this is real nostalgia

How about the cutting edge 'table tennis' game? Black and white with a square for the ball?!
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Wot ? ! ? I see your Intellivision and raise you

Just watch his lascivious little leer at the end!
pong? played that in the arcades when on holiday in the early 70s

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