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bibblebub | 19:09 Tue 25th Mar 2014 | Gaming
60 Answers

Just found this addictive numbers game (if you're into that sort of thing).

Simply use the arrow keys to move all the tiles in that direction and when 2 of the same value collide they join to form one of double the value. The objective is to get to a tile with value of 2048.

My highest valued tile so far is 256 - can anyone do better?


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No. First go got 900. Highest tile 64. Will try again...
19:23 Tue 25th Mar 2014
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2572 with a 256 tile
Highest tile 256, final score 2732. Have to agree it is addictive!
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7048 with a 512 tile (my first)
i notice frank has best answer for NOT beating you. Men! :-)
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must be a site problem because i haven't selected a best answer yet (and usually give it to the first answer for non-questions like this)
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there you go, pixie
Lol!!! You didn't have to do that... but thank you!
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you did give the first reply so more of an award for eagerness than for perspicacity
At one point I had two 512s but couldn't get them close to each other.
Amazingly addictive (and very simple) game though. I've found the online version freezes occasionally, but thankfully remembers where you were if you shut the browser and restart.
Also got it on my Windows phone. Odd thing, this. On the phone, sometimes when you tap the number to drag you get a little image file symbol and two parallel lines with tiny circles on their tips. Anyone else get this?
It is very addictive... last week the entire office was playing it pretty much all at once! So far only the guy behind me has beaten it, several times, after figuring out the strategy for 90% + chance of winning.... the celebrations and tears afterwards!!
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i'm playing it on a pc but could that be for zooming in on the page/app?
I'm on a phone. I get the score going up in a ghostlike effect.
Rats, it doesn't play on my work PC, probably just as well.
Grrr - my best score remains at a stubborn 9156 - I'd love to break that 10k barrier!
Just had a thought, by the way. Isn't selecting a numbered cell to move unnecessary? Once you click a direction everything moves that way, so surely only the arrow keys would need to be interactive?
I won! I won IwonIwonIwon....

*tears of relief*
Got to 1444, highest tile 128, thanks
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well done jim
I just got 16000 odd with the the 1024 and other high tiles but not won yet. I think I'm going to wish I hadn't looked at this
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my fingers are starting to twitch over the arrow keys in anticipation of giving it yet another go...
There's a tip going around that to increase your chances of winning you should keep all the bigger doubled tiles at the bottom, use only the top 2 rows for doubling up, and NEVER use the up arrow (although I think the point is that you should let either top, bottom, left or right do the big number storage and the opposite for your manouevring).

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