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bibblebub | 19:09 Tue 25th Mar 2014 | Gaming
60 Answers

Just found this addictive numbers game (if you're into that sort of thing).

Simply use the arrow keys to move all the tiles in that direction and when 2 of the same value collide they join to form one of double the value. The objective is to get to a tile with value of 2048.

My highest valued tile so far is 256 - can anyone do better?


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No. First go got 900. Highest tile 64. Will try again...
19:23 Tue 25th Mar 2014
Well, keeping the big numbers at the bottom, using top rows to double up and avoiding upward moves seems to pay off. Managed to get a 1024 in there this time, and top score has moved to 12796.
I've had 1024 a lot but haven't hit the jackpot yet. I have already wasted hours on this game. I play on a laptop which means using the keys (and sometimes pressing the wrong one by not looking) but OH is playing on his ipad and it looks so much easier to swipe.
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that tactic has improved my scores but have yet to get a 1024 tile

I've put you on my 'Kill with extreme prejudice list'.

I'm wasting too much time on this ☺☺☺
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i'm happy to be on any list, if i were a "celebrity" then i'd be the type who'd be available for the opening of an envelope
Can anyone tell me why when you get 2048 the game does not stop?
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because the programmer who created it didn't put in a limit?
Thanks since you posted this i have had all the grand kids at it.
Today Chloe got it! and showed me. I was going to write the numbers down but she pressed a button and on it went!

There was one at 500 and something one at 256? couple of 64s

Anyway thanks for driving them all nuts.
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well done her, i've only got to 1024 so far
Me and all my family are playing this to distraction, I've wasted hours on it and my eyes have gone squiffy and my fingers are cramped. Should carry a health warning. Still can't get past that 1024.
It's very addictive. My highest is still only 5012(?). Youngest son been having a go too...
Is that score pixie? I mean the 1024 tile.
Sorry, i meant 512 tile.
Still stuck on 512. Grrr!
Finally got the 2048 this afternoon. There were no fireworks or fanfare but I felt good. It let me play on but it didn't last long. Final score 23148.
Wow! Well done x
There's a surprisingly effective approach to this game, which is to alternate between up and right (or, for that matter, down and left) and then hit left when you've run out of moves before switching to up right up right up right etc. again. With this sequence you tend to be able to get to 512 with no trouble, although once you are that far along a bit more care is needed.

I have wasted sooooo much time on this!!!

Good though
Woohoo! Got 1028 tile. Finally. Score 12392.
1024 even!

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