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Narnia Nintendo DS

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LoftyLottie | 12:18 Wed 16th Jan 2008 | Gaming
700 Answers
Help!! I am not expert at games but someone has given me a Nintendo DS and I have been enjoying myself with 'Narnia'. I have completed all the quests (apart from the new dwarf cave, which I have found out you can only do after rescuing Edmund)) but am now totally stumped as to how to go about rescuing Edmund. I have been running around Narnia for two evenings in desparation!!

Can anyone out there please give me a pointer in the right direction. I am sure someone aged 7 would laugh at my plight, but age is not on my side.


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Well earlier this year I was a 44D but luckily I lost some of it. They are uncomfortable and do get in the way, and in the heat they get dreadfully sore. I didn't look pregnat from the back either (everyone said it'll be a boy) but I wasn't that big at all, could bend down and touch my toes right through to the end (and not bending knees). I was a big at 5months as I was at 9....
15:18 Wed 10th Nov 2010
Sorry you're still having some really worrying times Shaney and Mr S. Hope you've managed to get a rest this evening and that you have a good night. I'll give you a laugh - I scored a magnificent 0 on UC. Did you get to watch it Shaney? I'm sure that the lad Clemo in the York team was a girl last time they were on. Do you remember?
She had longer hair and sounded like a man and I thought she was a man that them.
Also hope Mr W. and everybody else is ok and that you all have a good night and keep warm. Haven't forgotten you too Vinny you are included of course.
Just popping in say goodnight folks .I'm so tired and away to bed .No nurse tomorrow ,so I'm gonna loll in bed as long as possible :)
I didn't see UC Jude ,well I did about two minutes of it .I just come to as the news started but I do remember that student .Yes I thought he was a girl in the first round .

I'm sure Mr S will be fine once this piddle problem and warfarin is sorted but it's awful hard going .He gets so nitty lately and jumps down my throat at the slightest thing .
I get upset because I try my best to keep him happy and I often don't feel to good with this bloody arthritis ,so I have to bite my tongue . Hey ho ,all part of lifes rich pattern as they say.
Right I'm away .Sleep well everyone ,another day tomorrow .
Nite all xx
Good day peeps.

Just been reading through the posts. Mr N is just like your Lottie, he suffers from depression and is awfully snappy at times and will not sit and discuss anything. I feel dreadful for you too shaney, but you are the only person he can trust and he's so dependant on you at the moment it must be galling for him. I've given up crying, just makes me feel worse. Have to say, at the moment, fingers crossed, that Mr N is being nice but have to admit that drink makes him awful so when he's not imbibing, it;s fine.

MEN !!!!
Shaney can I give you some hard advice? Stop biting your tongue. I am not saying lose it or snap back but it got to a point where DH was the same way. I picked my moment and gently pointed out what he was doing to me and asked him to ease up. he honestly hadn't realised how his behaviour was affecting me and made a real effort to rein himself in a bit. He still has his off times and so do I but I am not constantly having to stop myself snapping back.
Morning all. I feel a bit out of the conversaton about husbands. Since my youngest son was 18 months old I have only lived with a man for about 12 months in all that time. Please don't think I'm unhapppy about it cos I'm not. I have regrets sometimes but don't we all and you can't live in the past. I have a man friend who I met when i was 39 but we never lived together and have been friends ever since. During that time he married and sadly his wife died but we still remained friends. so you see I'm no good at giving any advice with regards husbands.
Anyway that's enough confessions time.

Hope all of you had a good night. I woke up to a really hard frost and had to buy a can of defroster from the paper shop. I've put some washing out hoping it's going to get a bit of sunshine on it today.

Usual Tuesday. Tai Chi and Lunch with my 2 friends. See yer later 'gater(s)
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Oh dear, Men indeed. After that posting of mine yesterday, Mr LL was a different person last night, more relaxed and less snappy so we had a good evening. He even came into the kitchen with me whilst I was finishing off preparations for the evening meal and told me that he felt a bit tired and fed up!! Now if he was able to do that more often and we could sit and chat about it things would be better.

Woofy, I have sat down and tried to explain to Mr LL how much things were affecting me and pointed out that I had just lost my mother when he had his heart attack and his continuous getting at me for little things is driving me to desparation. He seems to think I am imagining his behaviour!! Grrrr.

Jude, in some ways you are very well off (with no disrespect to any of our husbands or our marriages - I really do think the world of Mr LL, but he drives me nuts!!

Nice that we can all be so honest in amongst each other and trust each other so much.

Another lovely day so will be walking again. Have my friend coming today, who is feeling fit and well after her heart attack. These bright mornings are uplifting.

Shaney, am always thinking of you and looking forward to seeing you before too long xxx
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By chance I just came across this on the internet and found it disturbing!


Just thought I would share it.

At least your basooms are in the right place Neti!! ;o)
yes... for better and for worse don't always balance out, do they? If it's not money that's the irritant it's health. Lottie, that picture is horrible... but I must admit I am now wondering what I look like from behind.
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Somehow jno. I wouldn't worry about what you look like from behind. Somehow I can't imagine that a personage such as yourself would be seen dead in such an outfit.

my royal correpsondent tells me that the Wills-Kate engagement is ON. You read it here first (unless of course it doesn't happen).
Lottie after I had had the initial conversation along the lines of "when you say/do this, no matter what your intention, it makes me feel like this." Then afterwards I was quite firm but calm on catching him up as he made a sharp comment to me or a grumble. I am nor saying its all sweetness and light and I do treasure the fact that with me he can be himself, not pretend he's happy/up/fine when he isn't.
The other weird thing we did was the "I am not a mind reader" agreement. If he is angry/in pain/tired/fed up he has to tell me honestly and in detail when I ask (but I am only allowed to ask once) and say if I can help. If I want him to ask a doc something I tell him what i want to know and he asks for me so I don't have to behave like his Mum.
In return I give him space to be fed up, don't fuss (too much) when he wants to behave as though there is nothing wrong, and be honest about how I feel so that if I am quiet etcet, he doesn't have to wonder if he has upset me or what is wrong.

I know it might not help everyone but it has made life easier for us.
Good morning-ish...the fog's only just cleared here & the sun's coming out but whether it stays out is looking questionable...I've been really busy, doing nothing. I'd got a charity bag & was determined to fill it, so I started...and then put it all back again. What's wrong with me?! It would have been better if my son's had never left & then I couldn't have expanded into the space they'd left...ok, maybe not, they'd have driven me hairless by now.

Well, re men & illness I can't really comment on your personal situations but I don't think that being difficult, stubborn, snappy & moody is necessarily a 'man thing' when serious illness strikes. I've seen just as many women, myself included, act the same. It's about losing your control & dignity & the feeling that you're an alien in a world of normal, you take it out on those you can. I was given the talks...'What's wrong?' (I never told a single person how I really felt)...'this is hard for us too'...'if you don't try harder you'll lose anyway'...etc, but you become so wrapped up in yourself to be honest you sometimes don't care. So what I'm saying ladies is, don't take any of it personally, KBO, things will get better. I'm sure your men love you very much...and they'd be bloody lost without you. :o)

mmm, Wills & Kate eh?...oh, never mind...<better say nowt, jno probably has friends at the tower>
Still, I am generally a happy soul (which probably drives him nuts!)

Have been xmas shopping and sent one parcel off and wrapping the others, I do have so many to post! I honestly prefer to give than to receive, sounds trite but it's true. All I need is to win the Euro Millions then I give away to heart's content, and that'll drive Mr N to drink again. I have to point out that he's not an alcky, and doesn't drink all the time, but when he does boy, he's either silly and talks nonsense (which really upset him when I told him!) or he's quite nasty with the old mouth, pointing out everything that is wrong with our marriage, so when he's sober and sorry I point out that, that's when the marriage goes wrong cos I cannot be a*sed to be nice to him! What a thread, we do love each other really , 35 yrs next month if I remember correctly! although I'd hotfoot it away if Baz or Brian Wilson asked me too!!!!!
I put together a personalised calendar full of my holiday snaps online t'other day and ordered lots of copies, so that's my Christmas shopping done toot sweet. Just have to wait for them to arrive then post them out again. I'll still have to get a box of chox for domestic giving, I suppose, but apart from that I can put my feet up for the next 6 weeks.
It's nice to be able to say these things, cos I'll never know any of you and I couldn't ever tell anyone here!
don't be so sure neti, we're all secretly plotting to come & stay with you next year

<oh lordy, not snaps of jno on a pedalo again, I'll block up the letterbox>
oooh Robo all those things I am quite rightly banned from saying, its in the agreement. I can say once "you look like something's wrong, are you tired in pain or pi$$ed off?" because like sunday night, if something is going wrong i need to know.
Also the "fighting illness" thing gets right on my bazooms. I nag ceaselessly about the practical things (eating, drinking). When my Dad died, it was a phrase going around to say "lost the fight with cancer" like trying harder would have kept them hurtful.
and yes I think its hard for women too.
you could always tell Him, though, he'd understand

It's all balance of being firm but with allowances. And don't fight illness, escape from it.

I think I'm going to have an imaginary, I wonder how he might look?
< < < <
Knowing my luck he'll booger off with my imaginary best friend.
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Woofie, you are so right. The problem is that if Mr L isn't feeling well he never tells anyone. This is not a new situation. Even if people ask if he is well he says 'yes.and people just then think he is a bad tempered grumpy person. He has promised to let me know if there are health problems in view of what he has been through, but it comes very hard to him. He comes from a very stoic Eastern European upbringing and life was very tough for them so he ain't used to tea and sypathy or any family concern actually. He hates being fussed with a vengeance and forgets that I occasionally need a bit of tlc.

My family were much more open an touchy feely and expressed their feelings. It isn't easy to change is it. However, we do care about each other and the one thing I am confident about is that he loves me and will stick with me through thick and thin and is as solid as a rock. I am more fickle.

Fortunately Master LL has both sets of genes!!

Well the weather is still just beautiful and we had a lovely walk again across the fields. It was busier today - in fact it was nose to tail traffic of 3 cars and a couple of tractors with sprayers up the lane. Meggie is snoring contentedly now on the softa cushions.

I am no fan of weddings, royal or otherwise, but happy for the pair of them anyway. I wouldn't want to take on what she is taking on!! (I could never fancy Prince William anyway - I would rather have Harry!!)

jno can we have an online copy of your calendar!!

Ooh Robinia I see the link I sent you has become your avatar now!! ;o)

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