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Narnia Nintendo DS

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LoftyLottie | 12:18 Wed 16th Jan 2008 | Gaming
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Help!! I am not expert at games but someone has given me a Nintendo DS and I have been enjoying myself with 'Narnia'. I have completed all the quests (apart from the new dwarf cave, which I have found out you can only do after rescuing Edmund)) but am now totally stumped as to how to go about rescuing Edmund. I have been running around Narnia for two evenings in desparation!!

Can anyone out there please give me a pointer in the right direction. I am sure someone aged 7 would laugh at my plight, but age is not on my side.


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Well earlier this year I was a 44D but luckily I lost some of it. They are uncomfortable and do get in the way, and in the heat they get dreadfully sore. I didn't look pregnat from the back either (everyone said it'll be a boy) but I wasn't that big at all, could bend down and touch my toes right through to the end (and not bending knees). I was a big at 5months as I was at 9....
15:18 Wed 10th Nov 2010
And I've also just come back from the hospital .The district nurse couldn't get any blood out of Mr S this morning so I had to whip him up there in a cab because it has to be there by 12.30 .
They took a syringe to him in the end .It's a wonder the bugger has any blood left .
Another sh!te day ar Shaneytowers .

Sorry to hear your news Woofy .I hope he'll be Ok . KBO.

My name's Shaney and I confess I have a huge stash of M&S joggers too :)
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Well none of mine have gone baggy at the knees Robi, so I can only presume that this is you caught on camera!! ;o)


Back from a lovely walk and have now eaten too much for lunch!!
Help please biddies. am making an apple pie, using Granny smith's (no choice here) do I cook the apple slices first or what??
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Oh dear, poor Mr SS, Shaney and poor you too. I think you are doing extremely well, just make sure you look after yourself.

(Just wondering if you are a vampire and gave Mr SS a big vampire style kiss last night and perhaps overdid your blood ration!!)
Listen you lot, sympathies to Mr W and mr s of course, BUT WHAT ABOUT MY APPLE PIE!!!!
no don't cook the apple first Neti
lol jno, George will have to suck it up and make do with nubile starlets
Shaney we too have been through the no blood thing. be a bit careful as difficulty drawing blood can be a sign of dehydration although often its just a cack handed nurse.
Thank you woofy!
I usually use Bramleys Neti ( courtesy of my bro I've had lots of Bramleys lately ) I just toss them in lots of sugar and microwave them for a few minutes until they soften then put them in a pie or crumble .I 'd imagine Old Granny Smith would be just the same .
I use any old old apples otherwise if I have them to use them up .

That little fiasco this morning cost nigh on twenty quid :What with the cab fares and having to wait about in the cafe for a return journey , so we had to have a sarnie and cup of tea .
I'm now having another cup of tea which is doctored :)
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Why bother with the tea Shaney. Just hit the bottle. Have a rest this afternoon and put your feet up - you deserve it!
now theres an advantage to NOT doctored tea for moi.
Put my feet up ...I wish .They've just delivered the stoma supplies . Now I have to find a home for boxfuls of stoma bags :)
...more like this actually Lottie
I'll try some knee pads.... or some of these

It was a lovely afternoon in the sun but cold out of it & there was a very still atmosphere, as if the world was holding it's breath. Odd but nice.

It's funny how dogs have their favourite targets woofy. The other day I was walking behind a woman with a very small terrier type on a lead which was trotting along, sniffing the ground, ignoring every person it passed...until we came to a postie & it went absolutely ape, hahaha...poor postie's. Mac, my s. poodle, had a thing about people passing our house with umbrellas up, he went nuts. :o)

I think shaney's taken your advice after all Lottie
oh dear yes - better put your slanket on, shaney

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Meggie's first thing of every day is to go out and wee, and then sit patiently on the stairs looking out the front window waiting to kill the postie. She can first hear the van when it is parks about 1/4 mile down the road. She knows the next stop is our house where postie parks in our drive and delivers to our four houses. On the days we have no post, postie parks next door and Meggie is devastated, as she is on a Sunday. She hasn't learned in her 8 years about Sundays.

This morning she was so excited because postie knocked on the door, that when Mr LL went to open the door Meggie managed to bite the back of his trousers (Mr LL) in order to put him out of the race!!
That looks exactly how I feel Robinia :)

Never mind ,these things are sent to try us .My bro told me off for not ringing him to take us to the hospital .We then had a stand off whereby I told him he's no spring chicken to run about for me all the time and he told me I was pain in a rse :)) He's only joking .Good job I know him and his sense of humour :)

Things are all up and down here .Mr S is a bit depressed to be honest .I keep trying to jolly him along but it's hard going .He's coping ok with the stoma but these other things are getting him down .I just go upstairs and cry .

Old Shaney used to be terrified of men in work boots ,those sort of builders boot type things .He would bark and cower away from them if we were coming along the road where they used to park up in their white vans to go to the cafe.
Pretty obvious who kicked him about before I had him .
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Meggie is equally aggressive towards men in woolly hats!! I think it stems from our mad next door neighbour who never seems to take his off winter and summer alike. She also doesn't like black or brown people, which is very unfortunatel. We don't have a very mixed race population here in Norfolk and when a very nice indian gentleman came into a local pub she was ready to chase him out. Very embarrassing indeed.

I never got round to the Bramleys so that will have to wait until tomorrow. Stewing steak is in the oven for tonight. I am tired. It must have been the fresh air this morning. I so enjoyed my walk though. I walked out into the middle of nowhere and as Robi observed it was so still and quiet. I just stood there listening to the silence - nuffin. In my hour's walk I came across one tractor and a fella on a bike. It's on days like this that I love where I live. On rainy muddy days I curse!!

Shaney, I am not surprised Mr SS is depressed. To be honest Mr LL gets extremely depressed since his heart attack but it comes out as bad temper which seems to come mostly in my direction. He is not a man you can sit and talk to about these things - he would rather that they didn't exist. At times I go upstairs and have a good weep - I have been tempted to get into my car and drive off on occasions.
Evening all, <<< bends knees and doffs cap >>> my apple pie was delicious, just right, and i put cloves in it as my mother used to do in my childhood (she used to call them blackboys which I suppose isn't very PC at the moment - but it's the only way I would tolerate them!)
Just watching "Rewind the 60's" did any of you see it, such memories, even the odd looking clothes that we wore!!!
I think its so hard, maybe harder for blokes than women, to accept that they have a health problem that won't go away. I dunno, women spend their whole lives making compromises with their bodies and men don't...once puberty is over that's it till the prostate plays up.
btw I find that swearing works better than crying...

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