Ps3 Help in The AnswerBank: Gaming
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Ps3 Help

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pauline1948 | 07:45 Fri 23rd Aug 2013 | Gaming
4 Answers
my ps3 is not on the internet so i got my up date from sony and put it on a memory stick it keeps saying the data is corrupted ive formatted it and put the update on the stick again and i get the same thing it might have something to do with new hard drive as i brought the ps3 with out a hdd as the owner said it contained his private details ive try 40gb 60gb and a 80gb my friend brought one and put a new hdd in hers and it took the up date and is running fine


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Why do you need the update?
If you are not online don't the updates come from new game discs?
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the things is the ps3 comes on and says it needs a update with out it the ps3 does not do any thing my friend brought one she downloaded the data and put it on her one and its ok now to play on i think its because it not the proper hdd that was in it so who took it out took the data with it but i hav,nt got a clue
Can't you just hook it up to the internet to get the update that way?
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i dont think i can go on the internet its like when you first get a ps3 you need to sign in it comes on and say that it cant load up as it needs a up to date up date and thats all i get ive tryed to put up date in but i keep getting
the same error

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