Okay, so I know that werewolves don't really exist, but if you can only kill a werewolf with a silver bullet how did people kill them before guns were invented?
I am absolutely not one to get suckered into urban myths, but my mum phoned me on Friday to warn me that this weekend gangs would be carrying out initiations along these lines: "Police have warned...
Does anyone know of a book covering English/British myths and legends about animals and nature? I would love to give one for a Christmas gift but can ony find those relating to the USA. Thanks
According to Christian theology (not your own personal perspective on the validity of religion or the existence of god).... What happened to Jesus in the three days between his death and resurrection?...
An icon appeared on phone display after receiving music via bluetooth. After looking through the user guide cant find an exact symble, but looks similar to GPRS? Does anyone know what this relates to...