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angles and demons

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indie1978 | 15:28 Sat 18th Nov 2006 | Myths & Legends
5 Answers
better book??? should be made into film???


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Can't see they'd waste their time, better than Da Vinci though, and neither of them as good as 'The Last Templar'. and that never made it into celluloid.
It is an interesting book, think I heard ot is being made into a film, but I might be wrong.
it was a better book but like th da vinci code, shouldnt be made into a film. Its ending is even more stupid and unbelievable than da vinci
Ive got the da vinci code on DVD, and at the start it says that "Angels and Demons is in production now," ( in a very deep american voice).Hope the films as good as the book. I didnt like Tom Hanks playing Robert though.
Angels and Demons book is soooo much better than the da vinci code.
burn them both!!!!!!

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angles and demons

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