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OK Spud, i get your point but to completely spin it round, why didn't Bush use every bit of evidence, It has been proved he used a hell of a load of bullsh1t to start his war against terror, so why not use this, why not maxamise the damage caused in his quest for war? Why make stuff up and not use this,,? I think we all really know why and i can appreciate that a lot of people don't want to face the truth because it turns their world upside down, but the evidence is there. You can see the second plane has no windows. with your own eyes you can see both towers were brought down controlled, you can see the fuel burn up on the outside of the building, it didn't melt the structure from the inside like has been told. You can see explosions in the buildings just before they went down. New york fire fighters have said on film it was a controlled explosion,,, what more do you want, has Bush got to admit it himself, is that the only way you could believe?