I did my National Service in the infantry from 1960 to 1962. I can't say that I particularly enjoyed it, but, compared to some, I had a pretty good time. I got on well with everybody, from officers to privates (my rank throughout), I saw something of the world, I learnt to drive (at taxpayers' expense; thank you all). I wasn't badly treated by NCOs, and I wasn't given silly duties to do. However, I had no thought of signing on in the regular army afterwards. In fact, I was the first in the queue for demob papers, and the first through the barracks gates en route to the rail station. I wasn't cut out for the army, because I wasn't desirous of promotion, and I didn't like having to say 'sir' to anybody. Also, I like to plan ahead, and I couldn't do that in the Army. I liked to be able to say, in January, 'In August, we'll go to (wherever) for 2 weeks holiday', but in August I could be on the other side of the world. So, no, I don't remember my time in the forces with actual affection, but it wasn't - overall - what I'd call a bad time.