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Hitler wasnt all that bad.

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toby19 | 12:07 Thu 18th Aug 2005 | History
28 Answers
The main fault with hitler was he had a crap moustache. he ruined the moustache and the name adolf for every man in the world but otherwise he cant have been all thet bad.


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Yes. You're absolutely right. His main fault was his moustache. Absolutely.


(NUUUUURSE! One of your patients is loose!)

i'm not sure if it was just his moustache. it was his whole image, that cr*p side parting, his propensity for military uniforms, the angry scowl etc

he really could have done with a decent image consultant. a Trisha-style makeover, you know a nice fitted suit, a colourful tie, encouraged to smile a bit more, do something with his hair. obviously shave off the moustache, or at least grow it out Des Lynam/ Stalin style. if he'd done all that i'm sure history would have been a lot kinder to him.

the moustache and the genocide, yeah, that's about it. Relieved to hear none of your family died in the war, toby.
How did David Irving get into this site?
I truly hope this is meant to be funny (its not, but I would like to retain my sorely tested faith in human nature) 
toby19, (are you aged 19 ?), if your question is serious, first you have to realise that anything you say good about Hitler is going to get a poor reaction. But, but we must all remember that he had one heck of a following at the time. I suggest seriously that you do some research. Read (or even just browse) 'Mein Kampf', (My Struggle), Hitler's dubious contribution to political thought. It is half-baked and badly written, but you'll get an idea about the man, lebensraum, his anti-Jewishness, etc. Also try to read at least one good biography - Alan Bullock's is particularly good if a little dated. Another superb read is 'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' by William L Shirer, which will give you a fascinating insight into what went on in Nazi Germany before and during WWII. Find out for yourself, then see if you revise your original statements.
you're not Jewish by any chance are you toby19? no !?you're kidding! I really thought you might be! just a funny guy then!!??
god and i thought i was off me head
You're not the only person who thinks he wasn't that bad. Didn't he beat Tony Blair in a recent list of the best leaders of all time? 
-- answer removed --
Oh come on, you have to admit he was a bit of a troublemaker. In fact, if he were around today, I wouldn't be surprised if they slapped an ASBO on him. Yeah, that would show him. Flamin' chav.
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controversial statements lead 2 many responses. does anybody think jesus was gay?
toby19, Jesus gay ? Get your strength up and post the question in an original thread. No doubt your suspicions (prejudices?) will be well supported. Then you can live the rest of your life in peace (?). Ask the question in open forum and I for one will be pleased to engage you.

I think he may have been a litte more than misunderstood toby.

I think you need to check out the history of the man, a leader he may have been, though he was also a complete phyco!

Any man who ordered the death of 6 million people obviously is rather naughty, know what I mean, he also taught his troops it was their duty to die for the reich, yet he died a cowards death in a bunker, even that was only after the murder of his own 2 children.

the image the man left is of the man is one of the darkest episodes in human history, never mind how he chose to phisically present himself!!!!!

Did Hitler have any children? I don't think so.
He was human the same as the rest of us. I dislike either demonisation or deification of any individual as it removes the need for real understanding of the people involved.
Hitler was responsible for taking the lives of six million jews, a race of people he hated.

Margaret Thatcher destroyed the lives of approximately 12 million people whom she hated, they were called the British working class.

Who is more detestable?
I should have made it clear that I am not defending Hitler, he truly was vermin, as was Thatcher in her way.
what is wrong with you, you moron!!!!!!! ppl like u should have been where hitler terrorised 1000s of jewish and polish ppl...maybe you would not be so lighthearted about something so sensitive you p++t
i am very pleased that millions, yes that is millions, of people died at the behest (look it up) of a genocidal manic just to please you and give you a reason to justify your own existance by posting such a quite frankly, pathetic question

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Hitler wasnt all that bad.

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