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robin hood

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baileys | 00:20 Sun 21st May 2006 | History
5 Answers
who burnt down Robins tree ? grrrrrrrrrrr


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Stupid kids, but they managed to save the tree and its now fenced off and supported by large posts. Its also got some sort of resin lining to protect it but as kids we used to climb up inside it and pretend we were the merry men! Sad but true!
i have a pic of me and my kids in front of the new fencing i think, it was 1993 so would that be the same fence? the tree was off limits.
Thats the one Dot - Its many moons now since you could go up to the tree and even more since I was slim enough to get inside! lol
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sorry spangle , that was supposed to be three stars for your first answer lol,flaming kids cant leave nothing be these days.the tree could still make a good hanging post.
I always find a branch is good for whipping them with!! lol

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