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Marlboro questions

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dot.hawkes | 14:10 Sun 03rd Sep 2006 | Site Suggestions
5 Answers
Steve D and Fibonacci are doing a great job in re-directing these new abers to the marlboo forums, have any of the new members that joined just to ask the marlboro question stayed with the site? Anyone out there a marlboro contestant?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Marlboo eh? LOL

I love their patience in the re-directing too, I get so narked when I see these questions that I quickly move onto another question in case I type something totally inappropriate!
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Yes B00 but I am sure they just copy and paste their response lol
and the tumbleweed blows.....)
I should think that with all the acrimony they received they are smoking trails all the way back to the wild west. Piff puff poof *
I found this site while researching OWTW #2 and joined then....about two years ago. Since then, I usually check in about once a week. This site is very informative and fun. I have asked a few and answered a few questions. There are quite a few intelligent people across the pond and I want to thank all of you for being patient with OWTW #3. It'll be over next week.

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