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Wavy signs at Bonne Nouvelle metro station in Paris

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trepolpen | 14:37 Sat 03rd Mar 2007 | History
3 Answers
Does anyone know why all the official station signs at the Bonne Nouvelle metro station in Paris are written with the letters going up and down in a slightly wavy line? They were like this thirty years ago when I was a student in Paris, and I attributed it then to the joys of Parisian life, but when I went back last week, I saw that even the new signs that were being put up were designed in the same way, and resolved to find out. My Internet searches have not revealed the answer, so I'm putting it to you lot. Any explantions?


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Here it says that the station was redecorated with a movie theme in 2000. Could that ne it?: 8.html

If you click on "Vue panoramique" here, you can see (just) an example of the wavy station name:
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Thanks Steve. The panoramic view in the hyperlink provided does indeed show (just!) one of the said wavy signs, but they've been like this for at least 30 years.

I'm still searching! Here is another photo:

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Wavy signs at Bonne Nouvelle metro station in Paris

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