People who want a society in which there is common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange; the elimination of feudalistic, hereditary or hierarchical advantages, and the dismantling of the oppressive institutions of the bourgeois capitalist state.
People who are against any form or organised state authority, and who want a society based on voluntary co-operation
People who want to seize control of the institutions of state power by direct, often violent, means, especially through strikes
Marxism was formulated as a political and economic theory of the history of class struggles, based on analysis of the economic situation in Europe in the mid 19th Century. It was formulated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and predicted the next stage of class struggle after the final crisis in capitalism. It was developed by the influence of Leninism as a theory of organised and disciplined political struggle to bring about a revolution, and Maoism as a theory of maintaining the dedication and self-discipline of the masses after the revolution, in order to prevent the return of capitalism by revisionism and careerism.