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why did crowds gather in zion street august 27 1834

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statto1 | 23:44 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | History
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well, garth brooks was not born, and so i suppose it must have been Mr Green and his flipping hot air balloon yet agian steeling garths thunder grrr
As an aside, i once did a family tree for the descendant of a Monseur Vallette who was the ballonnist for king Louis of France
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Very informative information that everyone seems to have posted..
well i gave the correct answer and so my reply should not have been removed!!!
Just to repeat myself:
It was hot air balloonist called green and i also added the snippet that i once did a family tree for the vallette family, who's ancestor was the auronautist for King Louis Xiv of France!!! Hope this is not removed as my removed answer count keeps going up!
Why would your correct answer be removed in the first place??
I think offering serious answers to serious questions might be a good idea!

The site is populated by other users than those of ChatterBank - try and remember this! Not everyone is here for witty banter - some simply want answers! If you must make jokes like these in other areas please offer some useful information as well.

i.e. earn your right to be sarcastic!

Dot's original post was removed because it was advertising Garth Brooks. I have reinstated it.

All the best,

Spare Ed
Thanks, I don't know whether statto would be offended or not to have Garth mentioned on their thread, hopefully not!!!
I don't think dot was advertising Garth Brooks, the dear lady was making a statement of fact, i.e. Garth Brooks was born after 1834.
of all the cheek. I provided a link to the correct answer, not the slightest whiff of sarcasm, and I get deleted.

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why did crowds gather in zion street august 27 1834

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