GI in The AnswerBank: History
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coccinelle | 15:24 Mon 07th Jun 2010 | History
10 Answers
I know that GI stands for Government Issue but can anybody tell me why a soldier would be considered as being issued by the government? Also, were all US soldiers called this? Were soldiers that were in the army before they went to war also called this?
I've googled but haven't come up with answers to these questions.
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I thought it stood for General Infantry.

Duuh me !
It was their equipment from their helmets to their boots that was Government Issue.
to expand on dot's answer, GI was stamped on all their stuff which is why they ended up being called GI's
good one woofgang, what was it they used to say? Over sexed over paid and over here lol
I just put "why are soldiers called GI's" in the google box and that's what popped up
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That link won't open for me woofgang. Thanks dot and woofgang for your combined answer.Can you answer my second and third answers?
The link works for me but yes and yes. Google on "why are soldiers called Gi's? and select the history channel video link
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thank you woofgang for the answers. I can't see this video it just puts up 'loading' and after 10 mins it's still loading...
hmm sorry about that.

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