News1 min ago
Did Michael Jackson's false nose really fall off on TV
A. No. It's just a web rumour, a modern myth, an urban legend.< xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Q. So how did this rumour start
A. Jackson has had numerous plastic surgery operations over the years and his appearance - especially skin colour - is markedly different from those days when he was a little lad singing about the Rockin' Robin. Of all the operations, the most noticeable are the ones done upon his nose.
Q. More than one op
A. It is thought that Jackson has had rhinoplasty six times, each one making his nose considerably thinner. This is where the rumours started. Critics say that his nose got so thin that it either shrivelled to a tiny snub or disappeared altogether. Because of that, say the rumourmongers, he has had a plastic prosthetic nose made to hide his embarrassment. It's either stitched on or kept in place with a cunning array of tiny magnets. One reporter, writing in The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette last year, said: 'His nose is the size of one of those baby corns you find in salads.'
Q. Any more press 'evidence'
A. A newspaper in Taiwan reported that it fell off during one of his concerts there. A radio DJ also claimed it came off when he was shooting a video and he was splashed in the face with water.
This rumour has been doing the rounds for years, though. The Wellington Evening Post reported in 1995: 'Insiders report the singer's nose is 'in trouble' and needs to be repaired as soon as possible. It seems Jackson's newest implant at the tip of his nose has become unstable and is causing the star serious breathing problems.'
The most recent 'story' is that his prosthetic nose fell off during his 30th anniversary television show.
Q. Why didn't we see this happen
A. Because Michael has the editing rights, and had that section cut out. So it is said.
Q. It's all a bit flimsy, isn't it
A. What, his nose
Q. No, the evidence.
A. Indeed. It's all untrue, but Jackson is a fascinating character and people want information about him. None is forthcoming: no denials, no confessions, so people just make it up.
Q. How does Jackson pick his nose
A. From a catalogue. Just joking, Michael.
Do you want another urban myth debunking Click here
Steve Cunningham