Hi bert moxy spot on with specs but I think you wanted a bit more info to method first you finish at the exit to the room ,put a 300mm wide approx 50mm thick row of screed onto the rough cast concrete about 1mtr along paralel from both long walls full length then gently tap into the top of this some good straight 2"x1" pse (planed) timber flat up and wood float this area flush with timber,the longer the better and as you do level .it to approx 50mm total thickness, then with a good straight rough sawn timber will do 4"or6"x2" tamping beam that is approx 500mm short of total width of room walls to screed tap in the other 2x1 into dry mix screed to level but use the tamper with level on top to get both 2x1 (grounds) level with one and other the full length across now fill the middle and sides up with semi dry sharp sand and cement to just above required levels with shovels/rakes then with the 4"or6"x2"timber and a mate if it is a big area useing a saw action slide the tamp along/across at 90% to the grounds removing the excess and filling in dips as you go wood float finish first then steel float as it dries out, when the screed is dry enough to walk on remove the grounds and fill the hole with screed mix and steel float up. HTH Tez