Hi all, I have moved into a new property and have major remodelling plans for the bathroon. Firstly i have had a combi boiler installed downstairs rendering the old copper tank in the airing cupboard situated in the bathroon surplus to requirement. The cupboard in question is next to a corresponding cupboard in the next room.The whole space is a kind of void in the walls now. I plan to take out the walls and use the space for enlarging the bathroonm. the porblem is i have a internal soil pipe taking up one corner of the space needed. I want to know if it is possible to take the soil pipe out through the wall at first floor level and continue up the building to the roof level. hence leaving the remaining lower part of the pipe intact. Any advice or previous experience would be grately received. ATB Triplewhammy....
When you have taken the soil pipe through the external wall into a "T" branch cap it off with a auto vent then you don't need to go up to the eaves HTH Tez
Thanks a bundle for the imformative answer Tez. Please excuse my ignorance, although no novice as far as DIY goes i have no previous experience with soil pipes! Could you enlighten me with some knowledge of Auto Vents ?
Much appreciated
Sorry triple they are called Air Admittance Valves if the installation allows the space it could remain inside the bathroom may be under the bath or in low level box in as it is a one way valve as the name suggest then you dont need the vent the pipe outside HTH Tez
Cheers Tez. I did do a little digging around myself last night and came up with the same conclusion. Sounds like the job that seemed a lot of work is now easier than i could have hoped for.
Thanks again buddy