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Unknown bush/shrub

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shaneystar2 | 17:42 Sat 30th Jun 2012 | Gardening
1724 Answers
We have this bush in the garden .When it comes into bloom it looks glorious and it's just starting now .However I have no idea what it is . It was here when we moved in nearly nine years ago .
Any offers ?


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shaney, it got very nasty indeed. Someone (I suspect one of the sports answerbank mob) said some very nasty things indeed to NoM. One of the mods (AH I think) removed them and the poster left before he/she got banned but i suspect they came back under another ID because the next thing was that the whole thread got pulled. Its a shame, I was enjoying it.
tut, I step outside and the site goes feral? Well, the bath vanished from the pavement after an hour or so but we sort of abluted ourselves in the various surviving sinks and basins and went off to the Do and came home with bags of free tickets to this and that, gin bottles (little ones) and fudge (little ones). It was nice just to get some fresh air and a little exercise - quite mild here today.
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Gawd..what is the matter with some people.They must have very sad lives.
I only looked back to see where others wanted to go and saw it had vanished.
Night again .Sleep tight Woofy and woofers.'s milder at last and the sun's shining...for now.

I didn't see that thread but the subject sounds innocent enough. Yes shaney, what the hell is wrong with people? And this site is still a mess and annoying to negotiate.
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Morning all
Nice and bright atm and a bit milder but still cold in my book .
Yes it's a muddle up Robinia .Scrolling up and down and clickety clicking. I wish they would get rid of that drop down menu .I don't think I'm the only one who doesn't like it but it's falling on deaf ears .Tut and double tut.
Hope you're all ok .Don't drink that gin all at once Jno .

the tiles are going up on the all-new bathroom wall. They look rather nice. They are big ones, which apparently is the modern way. We used to have old-fashioned square ones but I'm told they are now fratefully non-U.
we’ve got big tiles Jno...less grout lines for one thing. The dogs decided that last night was a hunt the garden for most of the night night. I dozed while they hunted and we are all somewhat whacked today
Morning all! You causing trouble our Shaney? I missed all that!
Bought a new Parker, it's khaki colour with royal blue lining and fur hood. Got a clock for dining room and another repair of sock mocassins.
Have put my little Alpine village away, awww!
Cat has vomited on carpet, has taken me ages to get rid of the stain. Have washed nostrils out as hospital tomorrow, so now am snotting again for England. Still chilly here.

Yes I can see that Brendan is a clever man, the whole family are nice but the mum is a bit ditzy.
the grout was the problem, woofgang, it seems to have failed on the old tiles (well, it never was renewed) and water got in behind. I could see it happening, and see the damp on the other side of the wall, but it sometimes takes a few years for my warnings to get through to others :-(
You should have married a plumber jno, they can turn their hand to all sorts, when they get a minute!
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She's not quite as ditzy as she comes across Neti.She's also an author and has written lots of educational books ,some co-authored with Brandon. I read somewhere that he's the cook in the house and she admitted cooking wasn't her forte and was quite happy for him to do it as she works full time as a teacher and he works from home.
Sounds like my s-i-l she is a teacher and quite clever but useless in normal situations and with no logic at all!
I should have sent jno jnr to plumbing school instead of university. He could have been a Doctor of Grouting, and rolling in money.
Morning all...grizz day in Derby. Accu says partly cloudy, Robi says completely cloudy. Where's the hair frizz forecast gone? How am I supposed to know how many coats of Elnett I need?

I'm surprised about the Back in Time mum because I thought she came across as anything but smart. Was she the one who didn't know how to use a tin opener?
I see scientists are close to bringing the the woolly mammoth back from extinction. A couple of pterodactyls in the back yard and it'll be just like the goode olde dayes.

I feel a bit prehistoric myself today, I obviously need a vitamin D boost. Good luck at the hospital neti. Hope the rest of you are well and fragrant.
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Morning all (just)
Not too bad here ,sunny atm if you can see through the dust being kicked up from next door with his earth mover. I was going to peg out but that's put the kibosh on it.
I am fragrant though having had a hot soak and hair wash .I've got new stuff for hair frizz Robinia.TiGi Bedhead thickifier and smoother.Very good .
Yes she got in a flap with the tin opener and cooked the whole weeks rations for one meal.You often find that though.There are some very clever people who can hold forth on one particular subject but ask them to boil an egg and they haven't got a clue :)
Hope you get on Ok at the check up Neti .
totally basking here, it's about 14 degrees and the car got very warm parked outside Tesco. I bought a bag of cocoa and spiced rum crisps, which were rather nice.
Morning, was this site down earlier, I couldn't get on. Surgeon pleased with nose, but stitches near the front are sore and bleeding as they are pulling and wanting to go back k to where the nose was, Ñooooo! So have nasal cream now, back on March 8th. 14° here and we call this chilly! Hands are like ice. Was out of the surgery in 20 mins then had to wait half an hour cor next appointment! Thus missing 2 buses, grrrrr! Then I got home all tired and mither ed and snotty when got a text from hija asking me to go to her bank and deposit 200€ of her money , so I trotted again! She's off to Istambul this evening for example days!
Sat here in a relieved daze. Sis has been told by doc that he can’t find anything nasty behind her recent stomach upset. He suggests it was IBS triggered by a bad stomach infection/virus which left her insides inflamed and sensitive. She is coming next week :) She says she feels fine :)
I am glad the mexico is pleased with your nose Neti.
Well done woofy's sister, that's a relief isn't it! So pleased for you both!
So nice bottle of wine for celebrating when she arrives eh?

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