Some time ago I posted a question re a leggy dwarf rose.
I did as suggested and dug it up, moved it to a sunny
place and hacked it down to about 6" high. For quite
a while it looked dead but now it has shoots all over it.
It was suggested before that it might have gone wild
however I will bear with it.Is there anything I should do
now it's growing like mad again ?
No, except to check and see if the shoots are coming from beneath the graft knob. If so, your chances of getting anythng other than spectacular foilage groth are almost nil.
The graft knob is pretty obvious and should(read must) be above the soil line when transplanted...
In the Uk, roses tend to be budded onto wild briars and if the grafted rose has died then there is a good chance of getting very pretty "English Wild Rose" style single pink or white flowers. If the rose is a miniature rose and not a patio rose, then it will likely be on its own rootstock