Can anyone tell me how to stop a animal doing it's business in the soft earth in the lawn I have tried to sow some grass seed but it keeps crapping and then burying it, I think it is a cat but the wife thinks the paw prints are to big, but it as to be something around that size, any help would do. Thanks.
Buy the hottest curry powder you can get and sprinkle some on the top of the soil - the little g1t won't appreciate it (Yes, I do use it as a deterrent)!
As Corporal Jones says... "They don't like it up 'em!!!!!"
I got so angry with the same problem I raided my cupboard and used 'pepper'.. You know when the cat is there it starts sneezing & forgets what it was going to do! Ity certainly works on the moggies in my area.
Prickles are a good idea, as is sharp grit, I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, and my cats use a tray in the greenhouse.
Next doors cat used my borders, sorry but make it uncomfy for their little pads.
I have the same problem with next-door-but- ones cats . I bought some spray stuff from Lidl it worked brilliantly but of course it's not stocked any more. however I still had the bottle and read the contents as Garlic Spray so I made up my own solution--it was a bit strong as next door asked me over the fence what I was cooking as it smelt delicious (do you think he was being tactful?) anyway it worked but I have to re-spray after heavy rain, I diluted it a bit.
so perhaps the Holly leaves are a better idea.