I have decided to have a too tall and partly dead Lilandii hedge removed and replaced with a fence but feel I need to plant some evergreen shrubs in front of the fence as cover and nesting place for the birds, can anyone suggest something that will do that and look attractive and not get too big, I have got so fed up with the old ugly hedge and want to make my front garden look neater.
I always recommend, 'Western Red Cedar' (Thuja pliata) as a far better choice than Leylandii but I guess you are looking for something smaller and easier to manage.
I think holly makes a great evergreen hedge, it also offers good protection and cover for nesting birds.
Yew is also a good native hedging shrub.
You may also like to consider Berberis (several varieties), Mahoia, Portugal laurel and Pyracanthe, if its not too shady.
Osmanthus burkwoodii ..evergreen fragrant small white flowers in Spring
Escallonia ..evergreen small pink flowers
Elaeagnus ..evergreen fragrant flowers
All have max height of approx. 4 metres, but respond well to an annual prune to required height.