I have lost 2 dozen primulas recently. The plants were separated from their roots by small quarter inch grubs. Also in the soil were small yellow eggs about the size of snails' eggs but with a firmer casing. The plants had been replanted from bought punnets and I suspect the original compost was infected. Identification and method of eradication would be appreciated.
Hi Northumbrian,
It sounds to me that the plants and soil may be infected with 'Cutworm'
If it is, the grubs can grow to 1/2 an inch when fully grown and are more resistant to insecticides at this stage, so maybe you have discovered them early enough to treat them efectivly.
The soil can be treated with lindane or pirimiphos-methyl dust. Good Luck Tbird+
http://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profiles0600/vine weevil.asp - I think you probably have these little devils! They are a common pest for primula, fuchsia and heucheras, just for starters! However the yellow 'eggs' you describe are actually harmless pellets of slow release fertilizer, and nothing to worry about